Electric Mirror
“If you love Jesus, then bring Jesus with you wherever you are…the mission field is right in your doors.” Electric Mirror, based in Seattle, Washington, sees business as ministry.
812 MX Ministry
Adam Younger is finding ways to meet people where they are, whether it's in the church, on the dirt bike track, or bringing the two together! After spending years going to local tracks over the weekend, an opportunity presented itself to bring church to the track for the riders that were hungry for the gospel and discipleship.
Encompass DDC
John Stewart fully embraces the philosophy of business as a mission and it has influenced how he leads Encompass Development, Design and Construct. That mindset has been demonstrated through their unique approach to generosity in their "See a Need, Meet a Need" fund. See how the people at Encompass are showing Jesus to people every day.
Regent Bank
When reaching a billion-dollar milestone left Sean Kouplen feeling empty, he felt the Lord calling him to lead his company differently. What started with the question, "God, how do I do this?" has lead to simple things such as prayer before meetings, bible studies and even daily devotionals. Today, Regent Bank is focused less on acquiring as much business as they can from each contact. Rather, Sean and other Christ-following Regent Bank employees are seeing their day-to-day as a "spiritual scavenger hunt" and looking for opportunities to help people by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Expo Home
When Paul Dietzler bought his company in 2012 he knew he wanted to more than install windows and improve homes. He wanted to make a difference. Since then Expo Home, with three locations in Texas, has become what some have called a ministry disguised as a business. See how workplace bible studies and worship time are just part of what enables Expo Home to love people and make a lasting impact.
Tom Ferguson & AZZ
Tom Ferguson built a career at one company for over 25 years and became president of 2 out of 3 divisions with amazing financial results. He eventually decided it was time to retire. He sent out an email to his team, and after returning to his computer from lunch, he was shocked by the contents of the thousands of responses he began to receive...
6 months later, he had an opportunity to embrace those responses and live his whole life for Christ.
Evans Tool and Die
At Evans Tool and Die, it became clear that bringing their faith into the workplace may be the opportunity for some of their employees to hear about Jesus. That's why they decided to make a change, offering a time every Wednesday for a guest or staff pastor to come speak. This time would take precedent over all business matters. This quickly became the focus of their businesses, changing lives by offering their employees a place to be truly seen and to learn more about Jesus.
Century 21 - Live Nativity
A real estate brokerage decided to use their space to tell a part of the greatest story ever told. See how a live nativity has reached their community.
You Can Have a Christmas Parade
When Jerry Weiers became Mayor of Glendale, AZ, he promised that we would start a Christmas parade for their community. It has grown into the largest parade of any kind in the State of Arizona.
Electric Mirror
"If you love Jesus, then bring Jesus with you wherever you are...the mission field is right in your doors." Electric Mirror sees business as a ministry. Everywhere you look around their facility, and anyone you ask, will tell you that faith is incorporated in every part of what they do.
Caldwell Tanks - Equine Bible Study
At Caldwell Tanks, part of their effort to bring Christ in the workplace includes holding a Bible study for any employees who are interested in participating. In addition to a Bible study that meets together and grows through God's Word, they also have an equine Bible study.This unique offering presents a glimpse of our relationship with God through a relationship with a horse. All the things we ask a horse to do are similar to the things God is asking us to do when following Him.
Ken Blanchard Interview
Best-selling author Ken Blanchard is recognized as one of the authorities on how to lead people well. He wrote "The One Minute Manager" in the early 1980s and then "Lead Like Jesus" in the early 1990s. Here we ask him how the same principles from his book still apply today and how we can faithfully live our lives like Jesus in the workplace.
Service Master
Service Master is a restoration business that comes to assist families after a flood, fire, or disaster. More than rebuilding the homes, they also find opportunities to minister to people during difficult circumstances. Faith is intentionally weaved into their workplace.
DV8 Kitchen
As owners of 4 successful restaurants in Lexington, Kentucky, Rob Perez and his wife Diane opened a restaurant operated by people in the early stages of substance use disorder recovery. DV8 offers them a fresh start and employment as they Deviate from the ways of their past and launch into a new way of living!
John Houston Family of Companies
John and Tracy Houston run one of the best home-building businesses in the country. However, the journey to get to that point wasn't an easy one. After losing almost everything, they dedicated their lives to the mission of reaching people for Christ by helping them to find their way Home. Every prospect for them is important, even the ones they don't land. "God didn't tell us to go sell houses, He told us to go reach people."
DFW Interfaith Chaplaincy
With over 60,000 employees and 70 million visitors a year, DFW Airport is a mission field in and of itself. By providing interfaith chaplaincy in all 5 terminals, they are offering a source of hope and comfort to people traveling from all over the world. Imagine a mission field where all the people come to you!
Stable Recovery
Stable Recovery is a sober living facility organized by Taylor Made. They not only provide much-needed structure for recovering addicts, but they also offer them the opportunity to come work at the school of horsemanship at Taylor Made Farm. Led by Christian Countzeler, a former addict himself, they keep faith first in all that they do, encouraging these men to hand over their addiction to Christ and let him work in their lives.
Taylor Made
Taylor Made is the leading thoroughbred farm in North America, and they minister to a diverse workforce in a powerful way! Chaplaincy, Care Committee, a clothes closet, language classes, and a life-changing recovery program are ways they use what God has given them to make a difference.
Performance Pulsation
John Rogers built a company by pushing hard and winning. Then, 10 years ago, he was challenged to weave faith into the company. First, he wrote a letter to his associates apologizing for his leadership style and the way he had been acting. During the past 10 years, he has brought in Chaplaincy, set up a Care Committee, and leveraged the workforce to do good in the community by serving volunteer efforts.
HR Alliance
Marcy Young started HR Alliance as a way to help small to medium size businesses build a strong HR team. As a Christ follower, Marcy began to see the opportunity to love others and show compassion in her work. Working in HR allows opportunities to personally help others in a unique way.
RC Fasteners
Rick Johnson runs a “Ministry disguised as a Fastener Company!” Several years ago Rick made the intentional decision to weave his faith directly into his fastener company and use RC Fasteners for God’s glory. The impact God has had on the company and the associates has been amazing!
Caldwell Tanks
It all started with a prayer. A couple of years ago, Bernie Fineman, President of Caldwell Tanks, said a short prayer before a year-end meeting. God took control as management and associates started bringing Faith into their workplace and the change in culture at Caldwell has been incredible.
Lillian Radke is President of Unicpro, an industrial cleaning business. Lillian sees God as the CEO of the company and leads with a servant leadership style. The way she treats her associates has led to a 13% turnover rate in an industry where the turnover standard is over 85%! Lillian leads by example.
Century 21 – Phoenix, Arizona
John Crow operates a large real estate agency in Phoenix, Arizona. Several years ago he made the decision to be closed on Sundays and the impact has been incredible. He incorporates his faith in everything he does. It all belongs to God. He donates his warehouse to like-minded initiatives throughout the week and on Sundays, his office building becomes a Church!
For more than 27 years Intel has been providing employees of all faiths and beliefs share their faith through ERG’s. Intel is recognized as the #1 company in the world when it comes to religious inclusivity. Craig Carter leads the Christian ERG worldwide and shares his perspective of faith in the workplace.
Hope Clinic
Hope Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, is dedicated to taking every opportunity to care for and love their patients who are in need. Dr. Okki Oei, the Medical Director at Hope Clinic, believes that as the Great Physician, God has given our bodies the miraculous ability to heal. For Dr. Oei and the rest of his staff, their business is not just a job but also their mission field.
Wilson Frazier
Serving as the Director of Environmental Health and Safety at both Caldwell Tanks and Preload, Wilson sees his job as more than making sure people return home from work safely. He sees safety as an opportunity to enrich the physical, emotional and spiritual health of the associates he serves.
Jerry Weiers, Mayor of Glendale, Arizona
Jerry is a businessman in Glendale, Arizona. Frustrated with the direction his community was going, he ran for Mayor 9 years ago and change started to take place! His faith dictates his direction. Several years ago he brought back the Christmas Parade and it’s currently the largest parade in the state of Arizona!
Polydeck, an injection moulding company, is very intentional about weaving faith into everything they do. They make great products and achieve profits, so that, they can care for people in a way that honors God. They have a unique story of caring and giving that is inspiring.
Chris Patton
Chris Patton took over the family car business that had been run for two generations. He expanded on the Biblical principles it was built on by setting specific strategies for integrating his faith into the business itself.
American Airlines
Greg McBrayer has been an air traffic controller for more than 30 years. September 11, 2001 changed him and the airlines industry forever. Today Rev. Greg McBrayer is Chief Flight Controller and Chaplain to American Airlines. He operates the largest Airline Chaplaincy program in the world out of DFW in Dallas, Texas.
NYPD 9-1-1 Dispatchers
As 9-1-1 dispatchers, the role faith plays in their work is unique. In New York City they are responsible for the safety of over 9 million people every day. Faith played a particularly important role on September 11, 2001, and they felt with the unfolding of the national tragedy.
Custom Forest Products
A wooden pallet manufacturer brough Chaplaincy in to bring unity and trust to the organization. They have built a Chapel on site and start each day with morning prayer.
As a leading manufacturer of prestressed concrete water tanks, Preload has construction sites spread all over North America. They have incorporated Chaplaincy to keep a connection and make a difference in the lives of their workers while away from home.
Pittsburg Tank and Tower
Pittsburg Tank and Tower has been intentional about bringing faith into their workplace. They see their purpose as to make a difference in people’s lives. They have married wellness and benefits to be a difference in their organization and the community around them.
Dianna Parks
Dianna Parks is the Executive Director of Good Earth Village in Minnesota. She has also been part of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. She has an interesting perspective about faith at work and the role it can play when we live as followers of Christ and not just believers of Christ.
Cornerstone Engineering
Cornerstone is a structural engineering consulting company that has put Christ at the center of what they do. They are intentional about bringing God into the workspace and first, they are Christians who happen to be engineers.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Fellowship of Athletes at the University of Louisville is making a difference. Student-athletes and changing the culture on the campus and on the sports teams where they participate. Young people making a difference is inspiring.
Signet Mills
Signet Mills, a fabric manufacturer, has taken care and faith seriously as a company. At Signet Mills, they set aside 10% of their corporate profits for the purpose of Caring. They have appointed a Care Committee that helps identify needs in the organization, and in the communities where they serve. Signet Mills is ISO 9001 Certified in Ministry!
Racetrack Chaplaincy
The backside of a hose racing track is a community to themselves. People who work, and often live on the backside itself. Their work schedules don’t allow them to go to church, so many tracks have brought Chaplaincy and faith to them! Ministering for over 50 years, the results have been amazing!
Denise Lee Yohn
With over 25 years of experience, Denise Lee Yohn is a leading authority on building and positioning exceptional brands for businesses worldwide. Denise is the Founder of the Faith & Work Journey and teaches businesses and individuals about the balance of faith and work in the San Fransisco Bay Area.
Dr. Brian Grim
As President of the Religious Freedom and Business Foundation, Dr. Brian Grim is a leading ex-pert when it comes to Faith in the workplace and the impact it can have on culture.
Tyson Foods
Tyson has invested in full-time Chaplains to minister in 25 states to more than 150 Tyson Food facilities. The Chaplaincy program at Tyson Foods has been an effective ministry for over 20 years.
Michael Watson
Michael Watson is a pastor who has flexibility during the week to minister to the businesses in his community. Serving as a Marketplace Chaplain, Michael is able to get outside the walls of his church and impact people right where they are, in the workplace!
Todd Barton
Todd Barton was a worship leader for 20 years. Today Todd combines his love for God and fellowship with people to bring healing through Chaplaincy to dozens of businesses in Louisville Kentucky.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments was a pioneer when it comes to bringing Faith into the workplace. In the mid-1990’s, they started allowing faith and prayer into the organization. Kent Johnson, former Senior Legal Counsel for Texas Instruments shares the story and the impact Christ at Work can have on culture.
Jacobs Engineering
Jeff Goldfarb served at Jacobs Engineering in Finance Mergers and Acquisitions for over 23 years. He shares the importance of bringing faith with us wherever we go, including the workplace.