When it comes to bringing your faith into the workplace, we recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to making an immediate impact. Some of the practices we suggest in our Getting Started Toolkit may take time to develop. However, it could be that you and your workplace need more targeted solutions. You might be looking for ideas specific to your company's location, an in-person group you and your staff can join, or a retreat your entire team can participate in together.
We don't claim to have all the answers. But we do claim to know the one who does.
God has put gifted people all around the globe who have made it their life's work to make a kingdom impact in the workplace. Below you'll find a list of organizations that, like us, focus on making much of Jesus in every aspect of our lives. With everything from online training to in-person conferences, one of these groups may be the perfect place for you to partner with and impact your business.
CBMC (Christian Business Men’s Connection) connects business and professional men to God and each other through Christian peer groups and one-on-one mentoring, so they become more like the men God designed them to be.
Discipleship Tools | Video Workshops | Forums | Coaching
Online / Virtual
P.O. Box 8009
Chattanooga, TN 37414-0009
800.566.CBMC (2262)