How Can I Leverage My Business to Make a Difference in the Lives of People?

Fishermen, tax collectors, zealots, and thieves. 

These were the occupations and activities of Jesus’s disciples. Have you ever wondered why these were mentioned in Scripture? It wasn’t simply to give us a little background to add character depth; it was to show how Jesus can meet us exactly where we are, utilizing our gifts and reaching our hearts in a way that we can understand. 

And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him. - Matthew 4:19-20

Part of what makes this verse so memorable is that Christ used their occupation as a means of explaining the kind of impact they could have on His Kingdom. He amplified the importance of their trade by giving it a heavenly purpose. The same can be said for the way he calls Matthew, a tax collector, to give to others instead of taking away. Or Simon the Zealot, who he calls to love others instead of hating them. Even Judas, a thief, who he calls to speak the truth instead of lies. 

It’s clear that our work matters and can be used by God, be it as an example or as the means by which we reach others. But what does it look like to leverage your business to make a difference in the lives of people?

Your Work Can Be Used by Christ

No matter your business, it can be used to spread the name of Jesus. Obviously, there are some limitations to how that can be done in the workplace, but generally speaking, Christ can use any industry as an open door to reach others. For example, at Taylor Made, they may be in the equine industry, but that’s only the surface of the real work they do. God has used the expertise, dedication, and patience they use to train horses as a way to reach recovering addicts who need structure, loyalty, and some time to make healthy changes. 

Even if it wasn’t what they had planned from the beginning, God saw fit to use the skills they thought were only for work, to use for the growth of His Kingdom. Now they spend every day intentionally leveraging the work they do to improve the lives of the people Christ has entrusted to them.

Tools to Get Started

Does your business have an empty room that rarely gets used? Make it available as a Bible study room or prayer space. Perhaps you’ve been blessed with one of your biggest sales years yet. Consider how you might use that money to impact someone on your staff or a charity your team supports. 

Whether you own a large or small business, Christ has put people directly into your life that you have the opportunity to influence. For many, having a job may be the biggest difference-maker they need at the moment. However, embrace the opportunities to go beyond making a financial difference and consider how you might make a spiritual difference in their life. Pray for your team, pray with your team, lead your own Bible study, bring a chaplain into your business. The opportunities are endless. Your business and the success it generates can be used in so many incredible ways to spread the love of Christ.

Trust Christ in Your Work

So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” - Matthew 14:29-21

Just as Peter is embracing the seemingly impossible, fully trusting in Christ’s power, he begins to doubt. Jesus can do incredible things in your business. All he asks is that you trust him enough to let him work. If all of the resources and opportunities we’ve been given are from Christ, then we should trust him to help us steward them well and to make a difference in the lives of others. As Peter walked out onto the water in faith, offer up your business with the same trust. You won’t doubt for long the unimaginable blessings Christ can bring.

Need some more ideas on how to get started? Contact us today!

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