Christ at Work Year in Review: 2023

2023 Recap

2023 was a year where we saw Christ at work in a multitude of amazing and unique ways. To begin the year, we saw the work he was doing at John Houston Homes in Dallas, Texas, where they put home-building secondary to kingdom building. “God never told me to start a business to make money,” John Houston shares, “He said go do what I called you to do, go love me and love people, and then let me take care of you.”

In March, we had the special opportunity to interview the renowned author of “Lead Like Jesus,” Ken Blanchard. He comments, “We’re all leaders, the question is, as leaders, how do we help people win?” It’s a wonderful reminder of the responsibility each of us holds to empower those around us to succeed and ultimately feel cared for in the workplace.

We also traveled to Seattle, where we spoke with Electric Mirror, a company that has implemented Christ in every part of their business, including the sign on their building. Whether it’s a statement of “In God We Trust” under their name or the Scripture verses that pepper the walls of their facility, Electric Mirror makes sure their face is known and influential to every part of their business. 

In 2023, we also introduced AWAKEN events. These are opportunities to speak to business groups and church leadership teams about ways they can embrace faith at work and inspire the next generation of Jesus followers in their respective places of business. You can visit the link to schedule your own AWAKEN event and learn about strategies being used in business across the country.

Looking Ahead

Beginning in 2024, we’ll be introducing some new resources and plenty of new stories about Christ being glorified in all types of industries and markets. This begins with our brand-new podcast, where we’ll interview authors and key leaders who are making a kingdom impact in their businesses and encouraging others that it’s possible to do the same. 

In addition, we’ll be releasing new story videos from Evan’s Tool and Die, a company that is doing church on the factory floor with the help of local pastors. We’ll also introduce you to Tom Ferguson, the former CEO of a Fortune 500 company who came to the devastating realization that no one in his business knew he was a Christian after 25 years of leading the company. After being called in to lead another Fortune 500 business, he decided to do things differently. Finally, at the beginning of this year, you’ll hear about Expo Homes in Dallas, a company that is dedicated to providing worship opportunities and Bible studies for their entire team.

Christ Truly is at Work

If there is one thing that has been made clear over the past year and heading into this new one, it’s that Christ truly is at work. Every single day, we see stories of life change and kingdom impact that businesses across the country are experiencing. Believe it or not, the stories we share are just a drop in the ocean of stories that God is crafting both locally and globally. Whether it’s through Bible studies, chaplaincy, prayer, or a number of other opportunities, God’s glory can change everyone from the corner office to the factory floor. 

We are beyond thrilled and truly blessed that we not only get to see it firsthand, but also share with others the ways businesses are making an impact for the kingdom of God. We cannot wait to see what he’s going to do in 2024!

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  • “Don’t withhold good from someone who deserves it when it is in your power to do so.”
    Proverbs 3:27

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