How Does Chaplaincy Build a Healthy Culture in Businesses?

Chaplaincy can look very different depending on the business. Interactions in a warehouse will breed different conversation opportunities than in an office setting. We’ve seen businesses like Tyson Foods and Preload advocate for the influence an onsite chaplain can have on employees. Sometimes that influence is to be present and offer advice. Other times it’s simply having someone there to listen. 

Here’s a specific example of the power of chaplaincy in a recent story you may not have heard. 

If you follow sports much, you may be aware of a recent investigation that was released about the rampant sexual misconduct happening in the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL). Countless women across the country were/are affected by this, but one story, in particular, featured a team chaplain playing a significant role.

Racing Louisville FC is one of the teams highlighted in this report. A player was consistently harassed and abused by the head coach of the team. After a particularly harrowing encounter with the coach, she finally confided in the team’s chaplain about what was happening. She requested it remain a secret between them. However, after the situation continued to escalate, the chaplain knew that something needed to be done. She shared with the team’s front office what was happening and immediately met with the player to lovingly walk alongside her as they dealt with the fallout together. Hours later, the coach was fired.

This is obviously an extreme example of the kind of environment a chaplain may be asked to come into unknowingly. However, it’s also evidence that a  chaplain may not walk into an already healthy environment. Often, they are brought in because the environment is unhealthy. Why? 

Ephesians 5:8-11 says, “...for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”

Chaplains are brought in because only faith in Christ can offer the power of true wisdom and discernment to know when to speak, when to listen, and when to simply pray. Whether an employee is dealing with a sick family member, financial struggles, or a conflict with another employee, chaplaincy offers a mediator to ask good questions and offer a path away from darkness and into the light.

The story of the soccer chaplain is just one example of the power chaplaincy can have in the workplace. They can offer a safe haven for those who feel they have nowhere else to go. Christ at Work will always advocate for adding a chaplain into any business. It may be the best way to show your team how deeply you care for them.

Take a look at our Getting Started page to see how Chaplaincy can start building a better culture in your workplace!

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    Proverbs 3:27

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