How Can My Workplace Share Christmas with my Community?

Once you’ve discovered the best way to bring Christmas into your workplace, the next step is finding a way to impact the community with your celebration. This is where things get fun, and your creativity can shine through! There are many ways to make your workplace a beacon of joy in the community during Christmas. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Decorate Your Office

Around the Christmas season, “window shopping” is a very real thing. However, even if there’s no product to buy, people love to see a company that takes joy in decorating their office. It’s a simple pleasure that can positively influence someone’s day! This is also an opportunity depending on what your organization chooses to do, to display items such as a nativity, cross, or other symbols to show your company’s reason for celebrating.

Partner with a Non-Profit or Charity

A great way to directly impact your community is by partnering with a local non-profit or charity you want to support. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways. For example, you could give a financial gift, be it a one-time donation or a commitment to donate a certain percentage of sales. It could be a service your organization can offer to complete pro bono. It could be a hands-on approach by volunteering with other team members to participate in their mission. 

These are all great ways to show the love of Christ this Christmas, along with showing your team that they work for a company that cares deeply about the community.

Service Day

Putting together a service outing for your team can be a fantastic way to be the hands and feet of Jesus in your community. You could ring bells for the Salvation Army, work a meal at a soup kitchen, or even sponsor meals for families in your community. The possibilities are endless. Take the time to look at your company internally and externally, and you will find people who could use a helping hand.

Holiday Bonus

You may be thinking, how could giving a holiday bonus to my employees impact the community? Well, consider your team and the spheres of influence they may influence. What may be a small sacrifice for you could be a life-changing gift for a number of your employees and the people that they care for daily. That bonus may be something they tithe to their churches, use to feed a neighbor who’s alone on Christmas, or maybe purchase gifts for a local family who can’t afford it. Whatever the case may be, generosity based on faith goes farther than we could ever imagine. 

As you can see, there are countless ways to show Christ’s love in your community this Christmas season. These are just a few ideas, but we hope you come up with others! If you do, please join our Facebook and LinkedIn groups and share your ideas! Christ at Work exists to be a community that inspires, informs, and connects you to others who are faithfully living out Christ’s calling to bring our faith wherever we go.

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  • “Don’t withhold good from someone who deserves it when it is in your power to do so.”
    Proverbs 3:27

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    Philippians 2:4
