Category: Leadership

Bring Your Whole Self To Work

Electric Mirror

"If you love Jesus, then bring Jesus with you wherever you are...the mission field is right in your doors." Electric Mirror sees business as a ministry. Everywhere you look around their facility, and anyone you ask, will tell you that faith is incorporated in every part of what they do.

How Can I Leverage My Business to Make a Difference in the Lives of People?

Ken Blanchard Interview

Best-selling author Ken Blanchard is recognized as one of the authorities on how to lead people well. He wrote "The One Minute Manager" in the early 1980s and then "Lead Like Jesus" in the early 1990s. Here we ask him how the same principles from his book still apply today and how we can faithfully live our lives like Jesus in the workplace.

Performance Pulsation

John Rogers built a company by pushing hard and winning. Then, 10 years ago, he was challenged to weave faith into the company. First, he wrote a letter to his associates apologizing for his leadership style and the way he had been acting. During the past 10 years, he has brought in Chaplaincy, set up a Care Committee, and leveraged the workforce to do good in the community by serving volunteer efforts.

HR Alliance

Marcy Young started HR Alliance as a way to help small to medium size businesses build a strong HR team. As a Christ follower, Marcy began to see the opportunity to love others and show compassion in her work. Working in HR allows opportunities to personally help others in a unique way.
  • “Don’t withhold good from someone who deserves it when it is in your power to do so.”
    Proverbs 3:27

  • “Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others.”
    Philippians 2:4